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According to research with inverter installers the average inverter life is 14 year. If your solar inverter has failed then every day you are without it is costing you money in lost generation. At PES Electrical we aim to provide a speedy inverter replacement to get you enjoying the benefit of solar production again.
If you have a solar system all ready why not add a mains tethered inverter and battery to make use of your excess solar PV production.
Installing a mains tethered inverter will not affect your FIT tariff but give you the benefit of using more of your solar production
The invertor converts the DC power to AC power and is the main point of failure in your system a failing invertor will lead to reduced power or total loss of output. Upgrade your inverter and get APP control
By replacing your invertor you can get the latest monitoring tech on your phone or computer to constantly see the efficiency of your system
If your solar inverter has failed why not take the opportunity to upgrade to a hybrid and add batteries utilising up to 90% of your energy